Monthly Archives: May 2019

The Next Generation

The Bible is concerned about the next generation.  The Founding Fathers were concerned about the next generation. The current youth upheaval about socialism, work, stress, depression is partly from the last two generations mishandling, neglecting or not knowing what to do about next generation.

Reminding you: I’ve been looking for specifics that refer to Ben Franklin’s statement—“If you can keep it.” What characteristics, behaviors, principles, laws, expectations defined the generation we call The Founders? The generation that wrote The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other foundational documents.

If we are to maintain the USA as a Republic, (keep it) these are the defined pillars that must be in and guiding our culture. Transferring and teaching what an American is and how to grow into a whole adult is one of those absolute pillars—if we want to “keep it.” Keep it is about…

Building resilience in the next generation .

Dr. Tim Elmore is a youth specialist followed by several of my teacher friends and pastors. He did  Ted talk on Saturday. I read his blog and appreciate his books.

Not every resource helps every situation, but the more we have, the more apt something will ring a bell or match a need and produce a strategy. Carole said at the end of this event yesterday she wished we had heard this 50 years ago. I wished I heard the principles when I was a teen and had the ability and skills to understand and use them.

The link is to North Point Community Church-Atlanta where campus pastor, Clay Scroggins interviews Dr. Time Elmore.

Thanks for giving this a view. I’m hoping you’ll pass it along.


Song to sing at Midnight

My wife wants our lawn to be home to yellow finches, hummingbirds and Orioles. This year we got Orioles. “Put the grape jelly out and they will come.” After years of disappointment, 6-10 arrived and stayed. The flashes of color are eye-grabbing. We have orchard orioles and Baltimore orioles.

When they first arrived, they were patient with each other at the food dishes—“no, you go first.” But now, they are playing a serious version of King of the Hill. We’ve learned they stay part of the summer and then mysteriously leave. That’s not so hard to figure out. The local neighborhood becomes violent and they want to change friends.

They chow down! I filled their jelly bowls 3 times yesterday—traipsed out in the rain. Manipulated by my wife and 4 birds tapping their wings on the window. They had licked all the grape juice off the bottom of the bowl. If they stay, we are going to buy jelly at the commercial restaurant supply store in gallon cans. But they will leave. One morning they will be gone. The grape jelly will no longer satisfy their food needs, nor their baby’s demand. They will find feeding fields where protein is available.

We will miss them. We are bringing the hummingbirds along who will be with us through the summer.

An expert says:

“Unlike the Northern Mockingbirds, Orioles do not sing at night.”

Is that sad? Occasionally, don’t you need to sing a song at night? Or have someone sing you a song in the dark?

Another bird person who is supposed to know says some birds begin to sing just before dawn to announce to their friends that they made it through the night.

One of my Nashville friends asked me, “Dean, are you still singing?” I’ve learned naked crows are preferred to an old guy singing. I wonder sometimes if we’re supposed to “get over” singing by a certain age.

Paul and Silas were not the only ones to need “A Song To Sing At Midnight”

©2019  D. Dean Benton    Writer, Wonderer, Warbler